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UPDATE: Tuesday 17th December
Morningside AFC
Back Oval
4 Oak Street, Hawthorne QLD
9:00am - 12:00pm
Check-in from 8:50am
Numbers are strictly limited

Day of AFL Fun with Special Guest Superstar Dayne Zorko!
Girls & Boys aged 5 -15
(from any club)

A portion of the registration proceeds will be dedicated to supporting Morningside Junior AFC

What happens after I register and pay?Once registration details and payment has been made, we will send you a confirmation email. Closer to the camp date, we will send a further email with more specific details regarding the camp.
Is this a beginner program?Our camps are fun based, suitable for girls and boys between the ages of 5-12 who may have never played sport before, only kicked a ball once or twice or who are currently playing sport with a registered club. Its the perfect opportunity to try something completely new and exciting.
Are your camps supervised?Yes. We aim to have a 12-16 child to coach ratio - as well as this, we have a dedicated onsite coaching director helping out where needed. We also have a dedicated liaison officer providing assistance with first aid, toilet breaks, chill outs, early pickups, drink bottle refills, etc.
Can I drop my kids off and leave, or are parents required to stay?Once you check your child in at the registration desk on the day, feel free to leave them with our team until the designated pickup time. Alternatively parents are more than welcome to stick around and watch.
Is lunch provided?No, not at the moment. Children are required to bring their own lunch, snacks and water for the day. Programming is very similar to a normal school day, as well as extra hydration and "sunscreen re-apply" breaks scheduled during the hotter months. Please pack more food than they would normally for school. Exercise and fun is hungry work!
What happens if it rains?We have plans in place to alter the structure of the program to cater for such events. Rest assured, your child's experience will not be compromised if this does happen. We also have to follow any host venue request and monitor any the weather warnings to keep everyone safe.
Who are the coaches, are they qualified?The majority of our coaches are working coaches who are also studying a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, Majoring in Health and Physical Education. They also have practical experience working in OSHC (Outside School Hours Care) centres or similar. They also love their sport having played multiple sports growing up and still do.
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