Splash Zone
Fun and exciting water based games perfect for summer!
Service Description
What better way to cool off than fun with water! Enjoy our epic array of water based games and activities every kid loves. SESSION INCLUDES: - Water balloon team Slingshot - Splash team relays - Slip ‘n’ Slide - Water Gun Faceoff - Soaking sponge dodge - Drip, drip, drop! COST: $18 per child (Minimum spend $810) OUR COACHES: All of our coaches have valid Paid Blue Cards, First Aid Qualifications, Nationally recognised Coaching Qualifications and experience teaching/coaching kids, as a minimum. AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST: - Session Risk Assessment - $20million Public Liability COC - Workers Compensation COC - Blue Cards Please email: info@qkidssport.com.au or use the online chat button below. *Access to a tap within 30m from grassed play area is required.
Contact Details
0418 423 844
Brisbane QLD, Australia